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Collaborative Lab Activity Using Google Draw

Collaborative Lab Activity Using Google Draw
San Francisco State University
Instructor Susan Cholette from San Francisco State University, developed a group activity for synchronous online learning to replace the original quiz where students submitted an individual assessment. In this activity, students work in breakout rooms and collaborate on solving a problem using Google Draw.

Active Learning Using PlayPosit

Active Learning Using PlayPosit
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Negin Tahvildary from Fresno State, uses PlayPosit to turn a class lecture into active learning with embedded question prompts. In the clip, student find their default communication style and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each style.

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi
California State University, Fresno
Natalie Munoz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to embed questions into a music video by Black M, called "Je suis chez moi." This music video explores ideas of diversity and inclusivity in France. The embedded questions allow the student to engage more directly with the content of the video.

Use of EdPuzzle to enhance Biology Lecture

Use of EdPuzzle to enhance Biology Lecture
California State University, Fresno
Michelle Abou Naoum, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to embed questions in videos to engage students and enhance learning.

Using Mentimeter to Increase Engagement

Using Mentimeter to Increase Engagement
Sacramento State University
Kirsten Munk, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, incorporates survey and knowledge questions into synchronous Zoom lectures, using Mentimeter (https://www.mentimeter.com/) to increase student engagement and facilitate discussion. Students are provided with the URL for the Mentimeter survey along with the access code (in the Zoom chat), which will take them to the surveys and questions (pictured here) included in the lecture. Students are able to participate and answer in real-time.

Padlet Activity for Discussion

Padlet Activity for Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Gitma Sharma, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses Padlet as a forum for students to engage in active learning, reflection, and sharing. You are able to create a limited free account on Padlet and sharing the Padlet link is very easy and user-friendly.

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Gina Sandi-Diaz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses a shared Google Drive where students upload their Digital Storyboard assignment created in Google Slides using the Pecha Kucha 20x20 format. Students are required to visit each other's storyboards and provide feedback to peers. Finally, students use a Google Jamboard to document what they learned from visiting their peer's assignments.

Active Learning Lesson with a TEDEd Video

Active Learning Lesson with a TEDEd Video
California State University, San Bernardino
Anna Phillips, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed an active learning activity with the user-friendly and broad application of the TEDEd lesson builder. The lesson includes the components of Watch, Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss. Questions are linked to specific sections of the video and students are also asked to answer short-answer questions.

Building a Dynamic Discussion

Building a Dynamic Discussion
California Maritime Academy
Nicole Runyon, an Instructor at California Maritime Academy, designed a discussion in which students are given the option to include a video that shows a project from their workplace. This option creates a more enriching experience as students also expand their technology use to achieve the objective. Due to bandwidth issues with the student population, it's important to keep the text response as an option as well.

Active Learning with TEDEd

Active Learning with TEDEd
San Jose State University
Patricia Backer, an Instructor at San Jose State University, uses TEDEd to increase active learning and peer-to-peer engagement, students answer questions and participate in a discussion in a video lesson. The TEDEd lesson replaces what was previously a passive learning experience where students answered standard questions for a weekly written assignment without actively engaging with the content or with their peers.

Partner Discussions on VoiceThread

Partner Discussions on VoiceThread
California State University, Fullerton
Raelynne Hale, an Instructor at CSU Fullerton, uses VoiceThread to allow students to engage in audio/video discussions with partners in an asynchronous environment without having to create separate discussion boards or threads for each pair. The example includes instructions, prompts, and how to set up the discussion in VoiceThread. This activity can be easily adapted and used for any course that has students partner and discuss a theme, topic, article, or other course material.

TEDEd Lesson for Research Course

TEDEd Lesson for Research Course
San Jose State University
Robin Whitney, an Instructor from San Jose State University, uses a TEDEd Lesson to introduce the differences between qualitative and quantitative research. This lesson uses a short video instead of an assigned reading with questions embedded to actively engage students in the assignment.

Active Learning with Videos

Active Learning with Videos
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Prakash Dheeriya, an Instructor from CSU Dominguez Hills, uses Camtasia to create a video with imbedded questions. Embedding questions within the video gives students an opportunity to check for understanding and transforms a traditional lecture into an active learning experience.

Collaborative Communication Guide using Google Slides and EdPuzzle

Collaborative Communication Guide using Google Slides and EdPuzzle
California State University, Fullerton
April Franklin, an Instructor at CSU Fullerton, developed a group activity where students create a course content resource guide to reinforce expected course mastery and the learning of new technical skills. Students first develop the Guide in their groups, create a Google Slide presentation, and finally create an active learning video of the Guide using EdPuzzle.

Using TEDEd for Active Learning

Using TEDEd for Active Learning
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Sharonda Bishop, Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, uses TEDEd to incorporate video learning of instructional material via Q&A, adding in-depth resources on the topic, and having a discussion board with the learners.