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Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
California State University, Bakersfield
Gladys Gillam, an Instructor at CSU Bakersfield, includes a Diversity Statement in the syllabus that communicates respect for the diversity of students, countries, and cultures.

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Juanita Jellyman, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a syllabus that includes technical support, a diversity statement and resources available to support students.

Empathetic Interview

Empathetic Interview
California State University, Fresno
This is an example to show how Fresno State Professor, Dr. Kate Kafonek simulates an experience in her class where students practice interviewing each other to develop empathetic listening skills through the lens of white privilege. Media is used and students are practicing developing empathetic listening skills as they reflect on reading a chapter in a Criminology class. Question prompts could be modified across disciplines and used to invite students to talk about different perspectives (e.g., discussion forum, synchronous Zoom break-out rooms).

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Ryan, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares an engaging activity where she uses Zoom to provide a synchronous lecture called "The Anterior Surface Landmarks of the Figure." Using breakout rooms in Zoom and a Jamboard students identify surface landmarks of a figure in a peer-to-peer activity.