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Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement
California State University, Fresno
Tanisha Garcia, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the discussion board to provide students with the opportunity to earn extra credit. The weekly online discussion posting on Canvas is based on the face to face lecture for that week. At times, this is also used this to engage students during class time and have them bring out their electronic device and answer the discussion posting for attendance purposes and extra credit for that day.

Discussions - Current World Events

Discussions - Current World Events
California State University, Stanislaus
Aprile Stacey, Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, starts each class session (module) with sharing about relevant/current world events related to the topics they are learning about in class. She also invites students to orally share or post in the "Course Questions Forum" if they have something to share.

Diversity in Authors' Background and Scholar in the Field

Diversity in Authors' Background and Scholar in the Field
San Francisco State University
Carina Gallo, an Instructor at San Francisco State University, provides materials from authors who have diverse backgrounds and are scholars in their field of criminology. The instructor provides a journal article and audio podcast from author Mugambi Jouet who is an Associate Professor at USC and human rights lawyer in the module discussion about "New-Liberal Penal Policies."

Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
California State University, Fresno
Erin Dormedy, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides an intentional and warm statement celebrating student diversity.

Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
California State University, Bakersfield
Gladys Gillam, an Instructor at CSU Bakersfield, includes a Diversity Statement in the syllabus that communicates respect for the diversity of students, countries, and cultures.

Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
California State University, Fresno
Tanya Stratton, an Instructor at Fresno State, includes a detailed diversity statement in the syllabus. This statement also encourages students to make suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the course for them or for other students or student groups.

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Juanita Jellyman, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a syllabus that includes technical support, a diversity statement and resources available to support students.

Empathetic Interview

Empathetic Interview
California State University, Fresno
This is an example to show how Fresno State Professor, Dr. Kate Kafonek simulates an experience in her class where students practice interviewing each other to develop empathetic listening skills through the lens of white privilege. Media is used and students are practicing developing empathetic listening skills as they reflect on reading a chapter in a Criminology class. Question prompts could be modified across disciplines and used to invite students to talk about different perspectives (e.g., discussion forum, synchronous Zoom break-out rooms).

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Ryan, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares an engaging activity where she uses Zoom to provide a synchronous lecture called "The Anterior Surface Landmarks of the Figure." Using breakout rooms in Zoom and a Jamboard students identify surface landmarks of a figure in a peer-to-peer activity.

Enhance Student Engagement and Interaction in Group Assignments in STEM

Enhance Student Engagement and Interaction in Group Assignments in STEM
California State University, San Bernardino
Haiyan Qiao, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, utilized slides to develop a guided group assignment discussion for an asynchronous online course. This can be used as a reference/template for structured group discussions to promote student interaction and facilitate collaborative problem-solving in a group assignment.

Essay Outline Peer Review Activity

Essay Outline Peer Review Activity
Sacramento State University
Joshua Pryor, an Instructor at Sacramento State University, utilized the peer-review feature in Canvas where students submit an essay outline and are asked to complete a peer-review rubric for 2 other student outlines. Finally, students need to upload their completed peer-review rubrics to Canvas.

Essay Rubric

Essay Rubric
California State University, Stanislaus
Erin Hughes, an Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, provides a rubric to grade written essays and set clear grading standards/expectations for students. The point values can easily be added based on each writing assignment. The use of this rubric streamlines the grading process and allows for more comprehensive feedback on specific points addressed in the rubric.

Example Discussion Rubric

Example Discussion Rubric
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Juila Alber, and instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, developed this 5-point rubric which describes how the student will be graded for their initial post and their reply on an Introduction Discussion.

Example VoiceThread Discussion

Example VoiceThread Discussion
California State University, San Bernardino
Instructor Carol Gabaldon from CSU San Bernardino, uses VoiceThread to enhance peer-to-peer engagement while adhering to accessibility and universal design principles. The tool VoiceThread provides an accessible platform for audio, video, and text formats, encourages peer-to-peer discussion, and is easily embedded in the Canvas Learning Management System.