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Alternative Assessment - Infographic Assignment
Alternative Assessment - Infographic Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Maurice Stefanee, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, provides students choice in developing a Leadership Philosophy Infographic assignment which also includes citations for technology resources .
Annotated Bibliography Research Assignment
Annotated Bibliography Research Assignment
San Francisco State University
Courtney Donovan, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, provides an annotated bibliography assignment designed to help students gain research skills while working alongside a peer. The assignment provides a visual component using Canva to help students better understand key steps and also how to put together the assignment itself. The assignment also is organized using a transparent assignment design.
Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Aric Mine, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an episode from Radiolab as a foundation for discussion in an introductory assignment in a climate change and environmental science class. It was formerly just a short answer response submission by individual students (file uploaded; screenshot of discussion prompt) which has now been expanded to include a discussion on Canvas that helps segway to the following week where water usage is introduced with a Jamboard (linked).
This exercise engages students via three different means of communication and interaction. They listen to a podcast, reflect on their understanding and communicate that understanding in written form to the instructor and to their peers in an active discussion. They're also then subsequently engaged with a Jamboard that builds off this introductory activity, expanding the engagement tools used in this course.
Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping
Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping
California State University, Los Angeles
Margaret Finnegan, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, shares an information literacy project in which students choose a topic related to a criminal justice career that they would like to learn more about and find sources to support their opinion. The assignment description uses the “Transparent Assignment Design” template which makes learning more explicit for students. It also offers a different way to demonstrate mastery with students creating a mind-map created with bubbl.us.
Cardinal Directions Activity in Arabic using VoiceThread
Cardinal Directions Activity in Arabic using VoiceThread
California State University, Channel Islands
Sumaya Bezrati, Instructor from California State University, Channel Islands, uses VoiceThread to have students practice giving cardinal directions in her Arabic 101 class. This is an active learning assignment in which students record themselves describing a country's location in Arabic and other students have to guess which country they are talking about. Through this activity, students become familiar with the names and locations of countries in the Arab World and are able to practice their speaking and listening skills in a fun and interactive way.
Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Stacey Aprile, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, developed an activity where students read about learning styles, take a self-assessment, and apply their learning to their future classroom. This activity provides students with the opportunity to connect with like-communication style peers for possible extension activities in the course.
Course Documentary Assignment
Course Documentary Assignment
California State University, Channel Islands
Dorothy Horn, Instructor from CSU Channel Islands, created an interactive PlayPosit integration for the documentary used in the asynchronous class.
Enhance Student Engagement and Interaction in Group Assignments in STEM
Enhance Student Engagement and Interaction in Group Assignments in STEM
California State University, San Bernardino
Haiyan Qiao, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, utilized slides to develop a guided group assignment discussion for an asynchronous online course. This can be used as a reference/template for structured group discussions to promote student interaction and facilitate collaborative problem-solving in a group assignment.
PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
California State University, Channel Islands
Argero Zerr, an instructor from CSU Channel Islands, created a PlayPosit assignment. This PlayPosit assignment corresponds to a Youtube video for a TEDx talk titled “Why does it take so long to grow up today?” by Dr. Jeffrey Arnett. The assignment includes a series of multiple choice questions which test comprehension of the material throughout the video. The assignment also includes poll questions and discussion questions which encourage students to reflect on their own opinions and experiences with emerging adulthood.
Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit
Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit
California State University, Channel Islands
Michelle Kobrin, Instructor from Channel Islands, created Playposit bulbs for Chem 251Quantitative Analysis spectroscopy unit. The unit included a playlist of 10 Playposit bulbs compiled into a single playlist, which was assigned in Canvas for students to interact with during Week 14 lectures. Chem 251 is a flipped class, so this Playposit set served as their lectures for the week. Post week 14, Chem 251 students were interviewed to evaluate the advantages of Playposit technology compared to the previous approach, where watching the lectures was optional. Based on the feedback, this Playposit playlist will continue to be incorporated into the Chem 251 course going forward.
Playposit- Video Assignment
Playposit- Video Assignment
California State University, Channel Islands
Annie White, Associate Professor from California State University Channel Islands, created an assignment using Playposit for an online course. The assignment included students watching a video. During the video, the Playposit assignment was designed to pause at intervals to allow students to respond to instructor questions. The student responses were posted in a Discussion for peers to read and respond. This assignment provided opportunities to engage in critical reflection of the video, along with peer engagement and learning.
Ratios for Case Analysis using Voice Thread
Ratios for Case Analysis using Voice Thread
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Chacko Kannothra, Instructor from California State University Dominguez Hills, created a voice thread assignment to help online learners to revise financial and accounting ratios that may be used for case analysis in the strategic management capstone course. The assignment requires students to watch a voice thread (external video) and answer questions provided with the voice thread. Students can submit their responses in multiple formats including audio, video, text, or even upload a file with their responses. This voice thread can be assigned at the beginning of the semester to revisit some of the concepts that students learned in earlier semesters, and used extensively in the capstone course for analysis. Please note that the external video used for this voice thread was recorded by Prof. Melissa Schilling and is available on YouTube.
TedED Activity: Does School Kill Creativity?
TedED Activity: Does School Kill Creativity?
California State University, San Bernardino
Title: Does School Kill Creativity?
Description: This activity facilitates interactive learning and student participation with an online video. Using the TedED tool, it is able to increase the understanding of complex theories in developmental science, specifically the trade-off between learning and education, and respective cognitive outcomes. The link is embedded in Canvas, allowing for easy accessibility. The activity also includes reference to an additional scientific report that supports the theories discussed.
TEDEd Lesson for Research Course
TEDEd Lesson for Research Course
San Jose State University
Robin Whitney, an Instructor from San Jose State University, uses a TEDEd Lesson to introduce the differences between qualitative and quantitative research. This lesson uses a short video instead of an assigned reading with questions embedded to actively engage students in the assignment.
The Project Approach: Creating a STEM Focused Learner Bulb
The Project Approach: Creating a STEM Focused Learner Bulb
California State University, Channel Islands
Regan Bynder, Instructor from California State University, Channel Islands, created an interactive assignment supporting learner engagement with Playposit. Students will select 1 of the 4 videos provided, develop 3-5 questions they can ask about teacher practices, techniques, and activities used to support integration of science, technology, engineering and math concepts throughout the video, and create a learner bulb with their questions for peers to respond to.