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Building a Dynamic Discussion
Building a Dynamic Discussion
California Maritime Academy
Nicole Runyon, an Instructor at California Maritime Academy, designed a discussion in which students are given the option to include a video that shows a project from their workplace. This option creates a more enriching experience as students also expand their technology use to achieve the objective. Due to bandwidth issues with the student population, it's important to keep the text response as an option as well.
Cardinal Directions Activity in Arabic using VoiceThread
Cardinal Directions Activity in Arabic using VoiceThread
California State University, Channel Islands
Sumaya Bezrati, Instructor from California State University, Channel Islands, uses VoiceThread to have students practice giving cardinal directions in her Arabic 101 class. This is an active learning assignment in which students record themselves describing a country's location in Arabic and other students have to guess which country they are talking about. Through this activity, students become familiar with the names and locations of countries in the Arab World and are able to practice their speaking and listening skills in a fun and interactive way.
Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Stacey Aprile, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, developed an activity where students read about learning styles, take a self-assessment, and apply their learning to their future classroom. This activity provides students with the opportunity to connect with like-communication style peers for possible extension activities in the course.
Contemporary Issues Presentation
Contemporary Issues Presentation
California State University, Stanislaus
Instructor Grace Paradis from CSU Stanislaus, uses GoReact to help students learn about a topic that is not covered in depth during class. To strengthen the awareness of the topic, students are asked to further the GoReact discussion by asking critical thinking questions of their peers.
Curated Annotated Bibliographic Collection
Curated Annotated Bibliographic Collection
California State University, Long Beach
Erin Holloway, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, has students submit an assignment using Sway to develop a presentation for low literacy audiences based on a collection of valid and reliable sources. Students are asked to submit items, write a summary of their submissions and complete a research paper based on the curated collection. Each Sway will be presented in class for critique and evaluation.