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Active Learning Through a Team Project

Active Learning Through a Team Project
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dr. Wu Lin, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, designed a team project in an asynchronous online class to improve active learning. The project is chunked into weekly tasks and due at the end of the semester to facilitate and support active learning with frequent peer to peer engagement. in addition to helping students reinforce what they learned in class, the project also helps students develop various skills, including collaboration skills which will help them be successful beyond the class.

Alternative Assessment - Infographic Assignment

Alternative Assessment - Infographic Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Maurice Stefanee, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, provides students choice in developing a Leadership Philosophy Infographic assignment which also includes citations for technology resources .

Annotated Bibliography Research Assignment

Annotated Bibliography Research Assignment
San Francisco State University
Courtney Donovan, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, provides an annotated bibliography assignment designed to help students gain research skills while working alongside a peer. The assignment provides a visual component using Canva to help students better understand key steps and also how to put together the assignment itself. The assignment also is organized using a transparent assignment design.

Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion

Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Aric Mine, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an episode from Radiolab as a foundation for discussion in an introductory assignment in a climate change and environmental science class. It was formerly just a short answer response submission by individual students (file uploaded; screenshot of discussion prompt) which has now been expanded to include a discussion on Canvas that helps segway to the following week where water usage is introduced with a Jamboard (linked). This exercise engages students via three different means of communication and interaction. They listen to a podcast, reflect on their understanding and communicate that understanding in written form to the instructor and to their peers in an active discussion. They're also then subsequently engaged with a Jamboard that builds off this introductory activity, expanding the engagement tools used in this course.

Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping

Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping
California State University, Los Angeles
Margaret Finnegan, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, shares an information literacy project in which students choose a topic related to a criminal justice career that they would like to learn more about and find sources to support their opinion. The assignment description uses the “Transparent Assignment Design” template which makes learning more explicit for students. It also offers a different way to demonstrate mastery with students creating a mind-map created with bubbl.us.