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Collaborative Note-Taking Space Using Google Slides

Collaborative Note-Taking Space Using Google Slides
California State University, Fresno
Katy Tarrant, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a collaborative note taking space in Google Slides. The collaborative space will promote student agency in note taking work as others will see the work. Additionally, this resource will allow students to have access to different perspectives and interpretations of the lecture material

Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit

Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit
California State University, Fresno
Joel Slade, Instructor from California State University, Fresno, created active learning questions in an edited TEDed video on the misconceptions of evolution in Playposit to be used in his evolution course. Students in this online course will be prompted with several questions in their asynchronous lecture videos. People can use Playposit to integrate questions as students watch pre-recorded lecture videos.

Excel in Agribusiness

Excel in Agribusiness
California State University, Fresno
Neil Tung, a Lecturer at Fresno State in Applied Microcomputing for Agribusiness Management, created a PowerPoint presentation introducing students to the basics of Excel. This includes why Excel is used in Agribusiness and the reasons the instructor has found it a valuable tool throughout his career. The use of spreadsheets, database management, applications to basic farm accounting and financial budgeting, farm production recordkeeping, and commodity price trend tracking using Excel functions and formulas are highlighted in this presentation.

Final Course Reflection

Final Course Reflection
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, an Instructional Designer at Fresno State and the QLT Program Manager, shares a creative use of Meme's for the final course reflection. Course participants are asked to share a piece of advice or a tip for someone else taking the course and why it is important. Students are encouraged to not only reply by text but also create a Meme illustrating their advice.

Final Course Reflection Discussion

Final Course Reflection Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, an Instructional Designer at Fresno State and the QLT Course Program Manager, developed a final course reflection discussion where students first read a short article that summarizes some of the major topics in the course. They are then asked to reflect back on their overall learning experience by responding to specific prompts aligned with the course objectives.

CSU QLT Course Technology Skills and Learner Expectations and Attribute Checklist

CSU QLT Course Technology Skills and Learner Expectations and Attribute Checklist
California State University, Fresno
Instructional Designer and CSU QLT Course Manager, Mary Bennett from Fresno State shares the CSU QLT course technology skills that are required to be successful in the QLT training courses. Additionally, the learner attributes and expectations to be successful in an online course are shared. These can be used or modified for any course.

Samples of Student Work - Video Assignment

Samples of Student Work - Video Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, Instructional Designer and QLT Course Manager, shares an assignment from the QLT Training course in which instructors develop an "Introduction Welcome Video" about themselves. In the assignment three samples of welcome videos developed by other instructors are shared (with permission) as samples to preview before beginning the assignment.

Course Communication and Netiquette Statement

Course Communication and Netiquette Statement
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, Instructional Designer at Fresno State and CSU QLT Manager, provides a sample of the QLT Course Communication and Netiquette Statement that is in the syllabus. The statement provides nine statements that can be used or modified for any course.

QLT Course Summary Announcement

QLT Course Summary Announcement
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, Instructional Designer and QLT Course Manager, shares a sample of a final announcement that is sent to participants at the end of the "Reviewing Courses Using the QLT Rubric." The announcement summarizes major course themes, and wraps up the course with a reminder about expectations to complete the course successfully (85 points or more) and when final grades will be posted.

Accessibility VPAT

Accessibility VPAT
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, an Instructional Developer from Fresno State & also CSU QLT Program Manager provides a list of the external Tools used in the QLT Training courses and include links to the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) for each tool.

Student Generated Discussion Topic as a Formative Assessment

Student Generated Discussion Topic as a Formative Assessment
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Archana Mohan from Fresno State, uses a discussion assignment where students are asked to generate two questions based on their knowledge of the functions and parts of a microscope. This assignment facilitates peer-to-peer interaction and prompt feedback

Empathetic Interview

Empathetic Interview
California State University, Fresno
This is an example to show how Fresno State Professor, Dr. Kate Kafonek simulates an experience in her class where students practice interviewing each other to develop empathetic listening skills through the lens of white privilege. Media is used and students are practicing developing empathetic listening skills as they reflect on reading a chapter in a Criminology class. Question prompts could be modified across disciplines and used to invite students to talk about different perspectives (e.g., discussion forum, synchronous Zoom break-out rooms).

Sample To Do List

Sample To Do List
California State University, Fresno
In this example Mary Bennett, an Instructional Designer from Fresno State, shares a detailed checklist with due dates and times for a module.

Using Cultural Background Experiences to Develop a Collage

Using Cultural Background Experiences to Develop a Collage
California State University, Fresno
Matt Hopson-Walker, an Instructor from Fresno State, developed a lesson where students use their cultural background experiences to develop a collage creating an original image in an art class.

Structured Group Discussions Providing Roleplaying & Choice

Structured Group Discussions Providing Roleplaying & Choice
California State University, Fresno
Ryan Ditchfield, an Instructor at Fresno State, creatively organizes group discussions providing students an opportunity to self-assign themselves to a group discussion topic that interest them in his "Eyewitness Identification-FTB 159T" class. In the group discussions they have the choice to pick a role - Researcher, Eyewitness, Defense Attorney, Police Officer, Suspect, and Timekeeper and throughout the semester the students will also be changing to a different group and also change their role. This example represents student choice and group roles in discussions.

Module Overview Page

Module Overview Page
California State University, Fresno
Professor Christine Edmondson from Fresno State, created Module Overview pages for her Movies and Mental Illness class. Each page contains a To-Do list, Module Directory, Module Orientation Video as well as a Video Guide.

Canvas Home Page

Canvas Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Faith Sidlow from Fresno State, created a redesigned homepage in Canvas that includes 15 buttons along the bottom of the homepage for each week. A clear link to takes the user to the syllabus and also to the start here module. There is also a warm instructor welcome message in the middle of the page along with a graphic and course title.

Course Homepage with Buttons to Access Modules

Course Homepage with Buttons to Access Modules
California State University, Fresno
Katherine Fobear, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares the design of a Canvas homepage that includes a course description, with links to the syllabus and individual modules that are clearly labeled. All buttons include alt tags as evident by the Ally accessibility indicators.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Jesse Bower, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares a redesigned homepage with a clear brief welcome statement, image of the instructor, contact information and office hours and quick links to the main course components.

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Ryan, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares an engaging activity where she uses Zoom to provide a synchronous lecture called "The Anterior Surface Landmarks of the Figure." Using breakout rooms in Zoom and a Jamboard students identify surface landmarks of a figure in a peer-to-peer activity.

Home Page Buttons

Home Page Buttons
California State University, Fresno
Nichole Walsh, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares four graphics for homepage buttons to enhance the look and usability of the landing page for students. The graphics were created in Canva and include the following: Click here to begin, This way to Modules, Click Here for Announcements, and Virtual Asynchronous Office.

The Magic Flute – TEDEd Lesson

The Magic Flute – TEDEd Lesson
California State University, Fresno
Maria Briggs, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the TEDEd lesson creator to engage students in an active learning experience. In preparation for a written critique students view the "Queen of the Night" aria performance and then answer questions and participate in an online discussion.

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities
California State University, Fresno
Michael Cole, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a Canvas discussion board activity that provides an opportunity for students to engage in an undergraduate Exercise Physiology class learning module that is focused on understanding and applying concepts and ideas related to human energy systems. In this activity, students access highlights of events from the most recent Olympic games and discuss the use of the human energy systems in the context of the characteristics of these events (duration, intensity, etc.).

Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion

Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Aric Mine, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an episode from Radiolab as a foundation for discussion in an introductory assignment in a climate change and environmental science class. It was formerly just a short answer response submission by individual students (file uploaded; screenshot of discussion prompt) which has now been expanded to include a discussion on Canvas that helps segway to the following week where water usage is introduced with a Jamboard (linked). This exercise engages students via three different means of communication and interaction. They listen to a podcast, reflect on their understanding and communicate that understanding in written form to the instructor and to their peers in an active discussion. They're also then subsequently engaged with a Jamboard that builds off this introductory activity, expanding the engagement tools used in this course.

Wellness Check Discussion

Wellness Check Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Kathaleen Valdez, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses a brief weekly discussion to help facilitate a line of communication between the student and the instructor by providing a way for students to check-in. The discussion encourages them to let the instructor know how they are doing in regards to the class or just life. It helps them know that there is someone else out there that has their back and is concerned about how they are doing and lets the instructor know if there is a need to contact the student for additional assistance. In addition, the discussion can be used as a way to monitor student participation.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Melanie Wenrick, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a clean easy to follow home page that provides for accessible image buttons used for the syllabus, weekly, and discussion board. Graphic buttons were created in PowerPoint and imported as images. A welcoming introduction about the purpose of the course and distance learning model used.

Course Video Tour

Course Video Tour
California State University, Fresno
Meta Schettler, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a video tour with consistent navigation and clear instructions for students to begin accessing all course components, such as syllabus, course calendar, assignments, campus support resources, campus policies and support files.

PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment

PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Everett Vieira, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a six-part rubric for scoring the writing assignment for the PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions introductory GE course. The rubric was created to improve on providing feedback in a timely fashion so that students will have a better idea of exactly how their written assignment will be scored before submitting their essay.

Journalism Ethics Scenarios

Journalism Ethics Scenarios
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Timothy Drachlis from Fresno State, created an exercise and discussion whereby students learn more about journalism ethics. Working in groups, students select from 5 scenarios where they collaboratively develop a presentation using lectures, readings, and research as they apply the code of ethics to their respective scenario.

How You'll Use It - Pauling's Rules

How You'll Use It - Pauling's Rules
California State University, Fresno
Keith Putrika, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a summative assessment where students apply Pauling's Rules and related concepts in mineralogy, to assess an environmental issue that might mimic the ways in which the concepts could be used in practice. The accompanying grading rubric includes percentages for the characteristics as well as a letter grade for the corresponding criteria.

Student reading presentation rubric

Student reading presentation rubric
California State University, Fresno
Jidong Chen, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed this detailed Reading Presentation rubric for use with the rubric tool in Canvas. The rubric describes in detail how students' presentations on the assigned research articles are graded in terms of their 'content', 'organization', 'mechanics', and 'elocution and eye contact'.

Teaching Channel Tutorial Loomai

Teaching Channel Tutorial Loomai
California State University, Fresno
Deborah Brown, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a tutorial in Loomai to take students through a virtual tour of the topics/assignments found on the Teaching/Learning Channel. Most importantly, how to access the Library online and how to login to the Teaching Channel without incurring charges for the service. This tutorial includes embedded quizzes so that students are able to self-assess their understanding of important topics covered.

Plagiarism Workshop Wrap-Up Activities

Plagiarism Workshop Wrap-Up Activities
California State University, Fresno
Judith Scott, an Instructor at Fresno State, shares a plagiarism workshop where students can work together on the practice exam before meeting meeting in Zoom to take the assessment quiz independently. As a class, they watch a plagiarism video and then in Zoom, students work in breakout rooms to prepare for the post test. Students have the opportunity to ask the instructor and classmates questions and the delivery of the workshop provides multiple opportunities to give feedback.

"It's Just a Movie" Jamboard

"It's Just a Movie" Jamboard
California State University, Fresno
Aaron Schuelke, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a discussion activity where students read the article "It's Just a Movie" by Greg M. Smith. They then create slides on a Google Jamboard analyzing two films of their choosing, using very brief reflections (post-its) and images from the film. They then respond to at least two classmates' work in a small group discussion on Canvas.

Rubric for Evaluating Student Participation in Peer Reviews

Rubric for Evaluating Student Participation in Peer Reviews
California State University, Fresno
Ulrike Muller, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides a detailed rubric used to assess the quality of students' participation in peer reviews. Students are required to provide constructive comments to several students.

Course Home Page with Colorful Buttons

Course Home Page with Colorful Buttons
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Paul Price from Fresno State, created a home page for the course that includes a Welcome Message and colorful buttons linked to the Start Here area, Syllabus, Modules, Question Cafe, and the instructor Contact information. The buttons are simple png images that can be used as large, colorful navigation buttons on a Canvas homepage. They simply need to be added to the page and a link inserted that takes the user to the relevant location within the site. When added to Canvas, they should be given alternative text reading, e.g., "Button Linking to the Start Here Page."

Grading Rubric for Article Analysis Assignment

Grading Rubric for Article Analysis Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Michael Yonker, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides a rubric used in his Criminal Law class where students select a recent article and discuss it in relation to the class on the discussion board. The rubric was developed to assess the online participation and contributions to the discussion board. Both the analysis and the response are scored on a scale from 4 to 1 as exemplary, accomplished, developing, and beginning.

Accessible Homepage with Engaging Images

Accessible Homepage with Engaging Images
California State University, Fresno
Jenna Kieckhaefer, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares her Canvas Homepage which clearly shows that images are all accessible with the green Ally indicators. Images are engaging for students with clear labels for the user to navigate the course.

Interactive Video

Interactive Video
California State University, Fresno
Maria-Aparecida Lopes, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses short videos (under 7 minutes) to engage students so that the viewing experience is active and not passive. In this activity, the videos were recorded and existing media was embedded. Quizzes and notes were then added using Panopto and EdPuzzle to make them interactive.

Fashion Analysis

Fashion Analysis
California State University, Fresno
Lizhu Davis, an Instructor at Fresno State, created an assignment which includes; 1) the purpose and learning objectives of the assignment, 2) streamlined the guideline to give students a clearer instruction, and 3) a well developed grading rubric. Students are also given choice around how they want to approach the assignment.

Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser

Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser
California State University, Fresno
Archana Mohan, Instructor from Fresno State, uses a summative assessment in Canvas using Respondus Lockdown browser and a Webcam. The instructor provides instructions for the quiz and a link for downloading the Respondus tool and provides simple instructions for navigating to the quiz, once Respondus is installed.

Rubric for a Calculus Assignment

Rubric for a Calculus Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Antonina Tofan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment in a Calculus class. Students are asked to find derivative of a function by solving a problem and then posting their work to a Discussion Board. for peer feedback.

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis
California State University, Fresno
Joshua Reece, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses a YouTube video along with EdPuzzle to activity engage students. Students are required to answer questions about the water crisis throughout the viewing experience.

Revised Home Page

Revised Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Nisha Nair, an Instructor at Fresno State, includes a welcoming home page in the Evaluation in Nursing Education Course. The page includes a brief welcome message with a link to a Learner Profile Survey as well as important course links and links to each course module.

Syllabus - Updated Policies and Diversity Statement

Syllabus - Updated Policies and Diversity Statement
California State University, Fresno
Christopher Moss, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a syllabus updated to be more inclusive with diversity and accessibility information. Sample templates were provided by Fresno State and added to provide an update to the syllabus that is more accessible and inclusive.

Interactive Syllabus Questionnaire

Interactive Syllabus Questionnaire
California State University, Fresno
Hillary Jones, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an interactive syllabus which takes students through all of the material on a traditional syllabus but also asks students questions about their goals, concerns, and questions about the class empowering professors to engage students from day one. This interactive syllabus was developed using Google forms and was inspired by Dr. Guy McHendry's work on InteractiveSyllabus.com.

Home Page

Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Tom Boroujeni from Fresno State, designed the course home page to offer a centralized location for students to begin and navigate the course. The inviting and easy to navigate site includes resources for students that they can click on to access information about what is available to them, such as the campus food pantry and health services.

Course Welcome Message

Course Welcome Message
California State University, Fresno
Joan Sharma, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a welcome message that includes a warm introduction to the course as well as essential information about required course materials and supplies.

Syllabus - Academic Integrity Policy

Syllabus - Academic Integrity Policy
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Hubert Cecotti from Fresno State uses the Fresno State syllabus template which provides detail about the academic integrity policy.

Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
California State University, Fresno
Erin Dormedy, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides an intentional and warm statement celebrating student diversity.

Preparing and Brainstorming for Experiential Lab Group Activity

Preparing and Brainstorming for Experiential Lab Group Activity
California State University, Fresno
Professor Emerita Betty Garcia from Fresno State, developed a small group activity where students are asked to brainstorm about "possible" "presenting problems" that would be brought to a group with the identified focus (i.e., graduate student stress) using Zoom breakout rooms. The purpose of this activity is to reflect on the role they will take in the group and in preparing and planning for the class lab group activity. The multi-sequence activity involves students thinking about options and choosing one. Possible presenting problems are posted on Jamboard for all students to review and factor into their decision-making about what "presenting problem" will be theirs.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Rana Shailesh, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a home page in their course using accessible images and graphics. The home page includes a banner and a welcome message as well as buttons to the Start Here area, the syllabus, a welcome video and the modules in the course.

Course Homepage

Course Homepage
California State University, Fresno
Feiyan Chen, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed an engaging homepage to welcome students and to guide them to start the course. The instructor uses icons and images to provide students with easy access to the course tools and modules.

Mt. Shasta Legends Collaborative Assignment

Mt. Shasta Legends Collaborative Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Kiersti Ford, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed an assignment where students are asked to investigate the Lemurians of Mt. Shasta. In addition to the detailed instructions, the instructor has included a Course Learning Outcomes Alignment. Students will take notes as they read through the provided links and additional research is encouraged. Students then submit a reflection/reaction on their thoughts or impression of the stories on a shared Google Doc prior to submitting an essay. This assignment is available for import in Canvas Commons.

Active Learning Using PlayPosit

Active Learning Using PlayPosit
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Negin Tahvildary from Fresno State, uses PlayPosit to turn a class lecture into active learning with embedded question prompts. In the clip, student find their default communication style and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each style.

Home Page Example

Home Page Example
California State University, Fresno
In this Home Page Example, Instructor Laura Huisinga from Fresno State, includes 5 quick links for students to navigate upon entering the course which include a course teaser video, course description, and overview links to all modules and assignments. The instructor also introduces the purpose of the course and its relevance to the degree program.

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi
California State University, Fresno
Natalie Munoz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to embed questions into a music video by Black M, called "Je suis chez moi." This music video explores ideas of diversity and inclusivity in France. The embedded questions allow the student to engage more directly with the content of the video.

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Gina Sandi-Diaz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses a shared Google Drive where students upload their Digital Storyboard assignment created in Google Slides using the Pecha Kucha 20x20 format. Students are required to visit each other's storyboards and provide feedback to peers. Finally, students use a Google Jamboard to document what they learned from visiting their peer's assignments.

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Andrea Roach, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment where students are analyzing and critiquing a popular press (e.g., magazine) article. The rubric includes the criteria of Summary, Analysis/Critique/, Reflection and Writing Quality, against the ratings include Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Does Not Meet, and Did not Complete.

Learner Contract Syllabus Activity

Learner Contract Syllabus Activity
California State University, Fresno
Megan Pronovost, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses a syllabus activity in the form of a learner contract. Students read statements that provide information in the syllabus and indicate that they understand the course expectations. The statements include important information about the course that is included in the syllabus.

Writing Project Rubric

Writing Project Rubric
California State University, Fresno
Gabriel Ibarra, Instructor from Fresno State shares a writing rubric that is detailed along 5 criteria.

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno
California State University, Fresno
Carol Firstman, an Instructor at Fresno State, is using the rubric developed by the First Year Writing program at Fresno State in Canvas. The grading criteria and rating categories are taken directly from the FYW template materials. The 30 point rubric includes the criteria of reading and writing strategies, reflection, summary and conversation, rhetoric, language coherence, and self-and peer evaluation. The ratings are exceeds, complete, and not passing.

TEDEd Video With Questions

TEDEd Video With Questions
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Shirisha Shankar from Fresno State, uses a video from the TEDEd library to create a lesson with embedded questions. This activity allows students to interact with a video and actively learn instead of passively watching.

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Melissa Garrett from Fresno State, teaches students how scientific information is disseminated by mimicking the process. In this assignment, the students are asked to write a manuscript on a designated lab experiment and submit their papers for "publication" to the instructor who takes on the role of the journal editor before sending the paper for anonymous peer reviews.

Use of EdPuzzle to enhance Biology Lecture

Use of EdPuzzle to enhance Biology Lecture
California State University, Fresno
Michelle Abou Naoum, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to embed questions in videos to engage students and enhance learning.

Rubric for Grading Student Poster

Rubric for Grading Student Poster
California State University, Fresno
Brian Tsukimura, an Instructor at Fresno State, modified an existing rubric for grading student posters. The rubric reflects the order in which the posters are constructed including background, gonts, graphic use, grammar, sequencing of information, content accuracy, effectiveness in describing the science, and originality in presentation.

Microbiome and Antibiotics Discussion

Microbiome and Antibiotics Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Coffman, an Instructor at Fresno State, utilizes the Discussion Board in Canvas to have students collaborate on study guide questions for the week. Each student is assigned a question and is asked to create a short presentation answering their question. Students then review their classmate's presentations and take notes on the study guide.

Padlet Activity for Discussion

Padlet Activity for Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Gitma Sharma, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses Padlet as a forum for students to engage in active learning, reflection, and sharing. You are able to create a limited free account on Padlet and sharing the Padlet link is very easy and user-friendly.

Rubric developed for a Final Oral Presentation

Rubric developed for a Final Oral Presentation
California State University, Fresno
Xie Yuanyuan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a detailed rubric for an oral presentation assignment. This rubric clearly defines the expectations for this assignment including the content, presentation, and delivery.

Student Profile Survey

Student Profile Survey
California State University, Fresno
Carlos Martinez, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed an optional survey in Canvas that is given to students during the first week of class. The questions are designed for the instructor to get to know the students and if there are any barriers to their learning.

Textbook Access Information using EdPuzzle

Textbook Access Information using EdPuzzle
California State University, Fresno
Haiying Zhang, an Instructor from Fresno State, takes what would otherwise be a static experience, reading the information on how to access the course text, and creates a video showing this process. EdPuzzle was used to add multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The added quiz questions provide students with instant feedback to some of the most frequently asked questions at the beginning of the semester regarding the textbook for this course.

Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
California State University, Fresno
Tanya Stratton, an Instructor at Fresno State, includes a detailed diversity statement in the syllabus. This statement also encourages students to make suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the course for them or for other students or student groups.

Syllabus - Student Centric Accessibility Policy

Syllabus - Student Centric Accessibility Policy
California State University, Fresno
Jonathan Pryor, Instructor from Fresno State, provides a student-centric disability and accessibility statement/policy to the syllabus.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Gil Kim, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a welcoming home page where students are greeted with a friendly message and an instructor introduction video. Buttons for each module were also added using Canvas for graphics that link to each area of the course.

Student Profile Survey

Student Profile Survey
California State University, Fresno
Dakota Draconi, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a Student Profile Survey on Canvas that the students will take in the second week of class. The purpose of this survey is to get to know the students, including their learning goals for the course, and learn how the instructor can best support them through the semester.

Welcome Page - Instructor Information

Welcome Page - Instructor Information
California State University, Fresno
Alicia Iriberri, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a highly engaging and interactive Welcome Page that includes a variety of ways that students can contact the instructor. The information also included in the syllabus, facilitates a quick way for students to find the information they are looking for.

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement
California State University, Fresno
Tanisha Garcia, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the discussion board to provide students with the opportunity to earn extra credit. The weekly online discussion posting on Canvas is based on the face to face lecture for that week. At times, this is also used this to engage students during class time and have them bring out their electronic device and answer the discussion posting for attendance purposes and extra credit for that day.

Infographic Sequence of Assignments

Infographic Sequence of Assignments
California State University, Fresno
Maria-Aparecida Lopes, an Instructor from Fresno State, created an Infographic that shows students how assignments are connected and build on each other.

Instructor Introduction Video

Instructor Introduction Video
California State University, Fresno
In this video, Nancy Akhavan an Instructor at Fresno State, introduces herself and also provides context for the course.

Video Self-Check Quizzes for Asynchronous Learners

Video Self-Check Quizzes for Asynchronous Learners
California State University, Fresno
Joseph Ross, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides his students with brief lecture videos that they watch before coming to class which allows students to self-check their learning. Each video is followed by one short self-check multiple-choice quiz item (ungraded), including a description of the correct answer. The link to the quiz immediately follows the link to the video on each Canvas page. This approach provides on-demand feedback for asynchronous video use.