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Exploring Inclusivity in the Apparel Industry & Digital Badging Assignment

Exploring Inclusivity in the Apparel Industry & Digital Badging Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Helen Trejo, an Assistant Professor from Cal Poly Pomona, designed an assignment that includes 3 choices of apparel industry documentaries available through a library resource to help students build competency in Inclusivity with a Digital Badge. After viewing a documentary focused on the significant role of minoritized populations in the apparel industry, students are asked to apply Inclusivity key learnings to a group project and reflect. This aims to increase student awareness of struggles and community-based solutions that can increase their cultural responsiveness. The general structure and discussion questions can be modified to fit many classes, as along as appropriate multimedia is identified.

Clear Homepage Navigation with Accessible Icons

Clear Homepage Navigation with Accessible Icons
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Manuel Diaz, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a homepage that is clear and accessible with button icons as evidenced by the Ally "green" indicators in the bottom left of each image. Home page has a clear instructor welcome, followed by buttons to access the syllabus, scholar cafe, and weekly module buttons.

Clear Organized HomePage

Clear Organized HomePage
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Iman Hemmatian, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a homepage that is organized clearly with a college banner, instructor welcome video & transcript, instructions to begin the course including the syllabus, start here, and buttons to access all modules from the course home page.

Jamboard for Facilitating a Complex Chemistry Article

Student Discussion Sharing a Product Review

Student Discussion Sharing a Product Review
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Javed Seif, Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a discussion board activity where student share their personal experiences about a product which they were not satisfied with (similar to an Amazon review comment). Students interact with one another by responding to another student identifying a dimension of quality (from the Eight Dimensions provided in the video lesson) the experience relates to.

Getting Started Module

Getting Started Module
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Navid Nakhjiri, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a visual sample of the Getting Started Module in Canvas. The elements of the module include a welcome from the instructor, course schedule, Syllabus quiz, student profile survey, Q&A, and Campus Resources including technology support.

Lab Assignment Connecting Students to Their Community

Lab Assignment Connecting Students to Their Community
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Weimin Li, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, developed a module lab assignment. This lab assignment includes includes an activity with students exploring the hardware and software that they will use in a GIS lab. The activity has students using a database from LA county to apply mapping skills.

Active Learning Video using EdPuzzle

Active Learning Video using EdPuzzle
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
So Ra Baek, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a video which in which a lesson was created using using EdPuzzle. The instructor embeds 3 questions at different intervals in the video for students to self-check their learning.

Peer Part Planning

Peer Part Planning
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Patrick Mannion, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, teaches students how to best use 3D CAD modeling software in their course. Each assignment requires a large amount of planning and forethought before starting to make a model. To help address this issue, the Peer Part Planning assignment breaks students into small groups and has them come up with a basic plan/outline for how they can approach the creation of the model.

Active Learning Using EdPuzzle

Active Learning Using EdPuzzle
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Elam Marcus, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, uses EdPuzzle to place interactive content into an existing video. This exercise engages students with asynchronous content as they answer questions prompts during the lecture video.

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Juanita Jellyman, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a syllabus that includes technical support, a diversity statement and resources available to support students.

Student Profile Survey

Student Profile Survey
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Professor Tannaz Rezaei Damavandi, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a 10 question student survey implemented in Google form. This form captures some information about computer science major students who take "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" course in virtual instructional mode.

Active Learning Through a Team Project

Active Learning Through a Team Project
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dr. Wu Lin, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, designed a team project in an asynchronous online class to improve active learning. The project is chunked into weekly tasks and due at the end of the semester to facilitate and support active learning with frequent peer to peer engagement. in addition to helping students reinforce what they learned in class, the project also helps students develop various skills, including collaboration skills which will help them be successful beyond the class.

Learner Support Resources Section of a Syllabus

Learner Support Resources Section of a Syllabus
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Lara Killick, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a sample from her syllabus that includes the learner support resources. These include technical support, and academic and non-academic support resources.

Introduction to American Politics

Introduction to American Politics
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tremblay Pinar, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, developed an assignment where students are asked to think about a law in their own majors and provide a change proposal (a new or revised law) in a letter to the senator. Students collaborate using Stormboard, an online whiteboard, to first discuss issues in their own field with their peers before deciding on the law they want to explore and propose a change in the letter.

Inclusion and Diversity Statement

Inclusion and Diversity Statement
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Olga Griswold, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, includes a statement in the syllabus that reflects their ideology regarding inclusivity and diversity. The statement communicates that all students are to subscribe to the notion that respect for others and their points of view in a civil discussion - even when they may disagree or disapprove - is paramount to productive learning and work environments. The statement also lets students know that whatever their lived experiences are, they have something important to contribute to the knowledge construction in the classroom.

Basic Data Analysis Assignment

Basic Data Analysis Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Maha Ghosn, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, designed an assignment that begins with the purpose and the specific objectives that it meets. Following the purpose and objectives, there is a detailed description asking students to develop their own closed ended questions and to answer each other questions.

Active Learning with Video using TEDEd

Active Learning with Video using TEDEd
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Kelly Huh, an instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, uses an OER from TEDEd in a lower-division general education course. Following the video, students click the Think button and are asked to answer five questions as a self-check.

Using TEDEd for Active Learning

Using TEDEd for Active Learning
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Sharonda Bishop, Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, uses TEDEd to incorporate video learning of instructional material via Q&A, adding in-depth resources on the topic, and having a discussion board with the learners.