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Interactive Jamboard Activity
Interactive Jamboard Activity
California State University, San Bernardino
Brittany Bloodhart, Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, developed an engaging interactive activity leveraging Jamboard. Instead of assigning students the individual task of generating stereotypes and expectations about gender, they now have the opportunity to explore their own assumptions by observing their peers' contributions on Jamboard. Through the use of sticky notes within a collaborative space, Jamboard allow students to actively participate by moving the concepts to different areas of the "map" (or board) based on their agreement with other students. This creates another interactive element, where students can debate about the placement of ideas, encouraging students to debate on a discussion board and assess whether each concept aligns with their collective understanding. This approach enhances student engagement and promotes active learning.
PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
California State University, Channel Islands
Argero Zerr, an instructor from CSU Channel Islands, created a PlayPosit assignment. This PlayPosit assignment corresponds to a Youtube video for a TEDx talk titled “Why does it take so long to grow up today?” by Dr. Jeffrey Arnett. The assignment includes a series of multiple choice questions which test comprehension of the material throughout the video. The assignment also includes poll questions and discussion questions which encourage students to reflect on their own opinions and experiences with emerging adulthood.
Sketchnotes Discussion Forum Assignment
Sketchnotes Discussion Forum Assignment
California State University, Northridge
Instructor Nicole Solis from CSU Northridge, developed an assignment in which students practice visual notetaking skills and engage in a discussion. While reading a scholarly article students are to select at least 2 quotes and additional terms and concepts and arrange them visually including sketches, illustrations, or other ways of decorating their notes visually. Students use the Canvas Discussion forum for students to submit the assignment, but they can choose to create their notes on paper or using one of several technologies.
Essay Outline Peer Review Activity
Essay Outline Peer Review Activity
Sacramento State University
Joshua Pryor, an Instructor at Sacramento State University, utilized the peer-review feature in Canvas where students submit an essay outline and are asked to complete a peer-review rubric for 2 other student outlines. Finally, students need to upload their completed peer-review rubrics to Canvas.
Collaborative Lab Activity Using Google Draw
Collaborative Lab Activity Using Google Draw
San Francisco State University
Instructor Susan Cholette from San Francisco State University, developed a group activity for synchronous online learning to replace the original quiz where students submitted an individual assessment. In this activity, students work in breakout rooms and collaborate on solving a problem using Google Draw.
Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course
Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Melissa Garrett from Fresno State, teaches students how scientific information is disseminated by mimicking the process. In this assignment, the students are asked to write a manuscript on a designated lab experiment and submit their papers for "publication" to the instructor who takes on the role of the journal editor before sending the paper for anonymous peer reviews.
Google Earth Mapping - Map Your Memorials
Google Earth Mapping - Map Your Memorials
San Jose State University
Tabitha Hart, an Instructor at San Jose State University, developed a peer activity using Google Earth. While engaged in peer-to-peer interaction, students use a shared Google Earth map to collaboratively create an interactive tour of memorial sites in Berlin, Germany.