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- QLT Section2 (12)
- Assessment of Student Learning
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Grading Rubric for Article Analysis Assignment
Grading Rubric for Article Analysis Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Michael Yonker, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides a rubric used in his Criminal Law class where students select a recent article and discuss it in relation to the class on the discussion board. The rubric was developed to assess the online participation and contributions to the discussion board. Both the analysis and the response are scored on a scale from 4 to 1 as exemplary, accomplished, developing, and beginning.
PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment
PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Everett Vieira, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a six-part rubric for scoring the writing assignment for the PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions introductory GE course. The rubric was created to improve on providing feedback in a timely fashion so that students will have a better idea of exactly how their written assignment will be scored before submitting their essay.
How You'll Use It - Pauling's Rules
How You'll Use It - Pauling's Rules
California State University, Fresno
Keith Putrika, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a summative assessment where students apply Pauling's Rules and related concepts in mineralogy, to assess an environmental issue that might mimic the ways in which the concepts could be used in practice. The accompanying grading rubric includes percentages for the characteristics as well as a letter grade for the corresponding criteria.
Fashion Analysis
Fashion Analysis
California State University, Fresno
Lizhu Davis, an Instructor at Fresno State, created an assignment which includes; 1) the purpose and learning objectives of the assignment, 2) streamlined the guideline to give students a clearer instruction, and 3) a well developed grading rubric. Students are also given choice around how they want to approach the assignment.
Rubric for a Calculus Assignment
Rubric for a Calculus Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Antonina Tofan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment in a Calculus class. Students are asked to find derivative of a function by solving a problem and then posting their work to a Discussion Board. for peer feedback.