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Accessibility VPAT

Accessibility VPAT
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, an Instructional Developer from Fresno State & also CSU QLT Program Manager provides a list of the external Tools used in the QLT Training courses and include links to the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) for each tool.

Student Resources - Technical and Academic

Student Resources - Technical and Academic
California State University, Los Angeles
Michelle Lopez, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, provides a detailed syllabus for CLS 1300. Included in the syllabus is a detailed clear table of the Student Resources including ITS Help Desk, and Academic Campus resources.

Non-Academic and Non-Technical Student Support Services

Non-Academic and Non-Technical Student Support Services
California State University, Los Angeles
Michelle Lopez, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, provides a detailed syllabus for CLS 1300. Included are the non-academic and non-technical student support services. Each resource includes a link to the website, contact information and location.

Required Course Materials

Required Course Materials
California State University, Los Angeles
Michelle Lopez, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, provides a detailed syllabus for CLS 1300. Included is a list of the required textbooks and students are given a choice in how they want to acquire these resources. All textbooks and films are properly cited.

Instructor Information

Instructor Information
California State University, Los Angeles
Michelle Lopez, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, provides a detailed syllabus for CLS 1300. Included in the syllabus is a Facilitator Corner section that includes contact information, office hours, a link to the Zoom room, as well as a Meet Your Professor paragraph with both personal and professional information.