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Addressing Microagression in an Online Class
Addressing Microagression in an Online Class
California State University, Northridge
Ning Fu, Instructor in the Marketing Dept. at CSU Northridge, shares a couple examples for how he addresses microagressions or disrespectful comments in class.
Closing Announcement
Closing Announcement
California State University, Northridge
Hillary Kaplowitz, Instructional Designer and Instructor from CSU Northridge, sends students an end of semester announcement, summarizing how far they have come and what they have learned.
Advance Notice of Required Textbooks
Advance Notice of Required Textbooks
California State University, Northridge
Instructor Nanci Carr at CSU Northridge, sends students an email 3 weeks in advance of the term, with textbook information, and encouragement to purchase them in advance of the start of class.
Community Policies Presentation
Community Policies Presentation
California State University, Northridge
Joannie Aguayo, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, shares a presentation which provides course community policies, including a diversity statement, commitment to gender-neutral language, microaggressions or biased-language, netiquette, web-cam etiquette, academic honesty, tips for success.
Module Outline
Module Outline
California State University, Northridge
Svetlana Tyutina, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, organizes the course modules in this Spanish course in a logical and consistent way. Each course module includes an extended overview of the material at the beginning, a link to tech support for essential technology in the course (just-in-time pedagogy), and a conclusions page that summarizes the material learned and links it to the material in the next module. The headings in each module are in both Spanish and English to further support the course content.
Learner Support and Resources
Learner Support and Resources
California State University, Northridge
Bessie Karras-Lazaris, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, includes resources in the syllabus with links to technical, academic and student support services available to assist students in achieving their educational goals.
Course Description and Format on Home Page
Course Description and Format on Home Page
California State University, Northridge
Professor Amir Gharehgozli from CSU Northridge, shares a detailed visual of the course homepage which includes a brief description of the course, image of the instructor, and course synchronous session meeting times. The buttons are created using De Button Factory (https://www.clickminded.com/button-generator/) and the word cloud is generated using Wordclouds (https://www.wordclouds.com/).