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Interactive Jamboard Activity

Interactive Jamboard Activity
California State University, San Bernardino
Brittany Bloodhart, Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, developed an engaging interactive activity leveraging Jamboard. Instead of assigning students the individual task of generating stereotypes and expectations about gender, they now have the opportunity to explore their own assumptions by observing their peers' contributions on Jamboard. Through the use of sticky notes within a collaborative space, Jamboard allow students to actively participate by moving the concepts to different areas of the "map" (or board) based on their agreement with other students. This creates another interactive element, where students can debate about the placement of ideas, encouraging students to debate on a discussion board and assess whether each concept aligns with their collective understanding. This approach enhances student engagement and promotes active learning.

Playposit- Video Assignment

Playposit- Video Assignment
California State University, Channel Islands
Annie White, Associate Professor from California State University Channel Islands, created an assignment using Playposit for an online course. The assignment included students watching a video. During the video, the Playposit assignment was designed to pause at intervals to allow students to respond to instructor questions. The student responses were posted in a Discussion for peers to read and respond. This assignment provided opportunities to engage in critical reflection of the video, along with peer engagement and learning.

Updating the Hippocratic Oath (An Introductory Bioethics Assignment Using Hypothes.is)

Updating the Hippocratic Oath (An Introductory Bioethics Assignment Using Hypothes.is)
California State University, Channel Islands
Ronald Berkowsky, Instructor from California State University Channel Islands, created a low-stakes introductory assignment to be implemented in a bioethics course using the Hypothes.is platform. In it, students collaboratively annotate the Hippocratic Oath (i.e., one of the oldest known medical code of ethics) and suggest edits to make the Oath more reflective of modern perspectives and values. This assignment helps to underscore how ethical principles and behaviors in health and medicine have changed over time.

Assignments on Using Generative AI for Resume Enhancement

Assignments on Using Generative AI for Resume Enhancement
California State University, Channel Islands
Dr. Vida Vakilian, an Associate Professor at CSU Channel Islands, developed a series of innovative assignments for students, focusing on how to leverage Generative AI (GenAI) technologies to enhance their resume preparation. These assignments guide students through using AI tools to draft and refine their resumes. Additionally, Dr. Vakilian incorporated an assignment on Ethical Considerations in GenAI, ensuring that students not only gain practical skills but also understand the ethical implications of using AI in their professional development.