QLT Section 3: Instructional Materials and Resources


Addresses the variety of materials and material formats the instructor has chosen to present course content and enable students to meet relevant student learning outcomes and, when possible, the affordability of chosen course materials.

Section 3 QLT Rubric QuARRy Exemplars

Section 3 Objectives

3.1 The instructor provides students adequate time, notice, and options (when possible) to acquire course materials, including textbooks ordered through campus processes per federal guidelines.

3.2 Syllabus lists whether textbooks and materials are required or recommended.

3.3 (CORE) The instructor articulates the purpose of all materials as to how they are related to the course and module learning objectives.

3.4 (CORE) NEW There is a variety of instructional materials with diverse perspectives.

3.5 (CORE) There is a variety of instructional material types that lead to more UDL/access and student engagement, while not overly relying on one content type such as text.

3.6 Modeling academic integrity, the instructor appropriately cites all resources and materials used throughout the course.

Note: A subset of 24 QLT objectives are identified as “CORE” elements that should be present in a quality online course.