Addresses (1) the opportunities students have to interact with the content, their peers, and their instructor, and (2) how well the course design encourages students to become active learners and contribute to the online course community.
Section 4 QLT Rubric QuARRy Exemplars
Section 4 Objectives
4.1 (CORE) At the beginning of the course, the instructor provides an opportunity to have students self-introduce themselves to develop a sense of community.
4.2 Instructor provides information about being a successful learner/student.
4.3 (CORE) Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent, and efficient.
4.4 (CORE) Learning activities facilitate and support active learning that encourages frequent and ongoing peer-to-peer engagement.
4.5 The modes and requirements for student interaction are clearly communicated.
4.6 Instructor clearly explains their role regarding participation in the course. Instructor participates, facilitates student participation, and encourages students to take ownership and promote different points of view.
Note: A subset of 24 QLT objectives are identified as “CORE” elements that should be present in a quality online course.