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The CSU Online Course Services (OCS): Course Review and Certification is a three stage process.
Stage 1 - Application: The OCS campus lead Completes the Online Application Form. The OCS campus lead sends the syllabus, Module Learning Objectives (MLOs) and Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) or Quality Matters (QM) Self-Review to the OCS Manager for review. A message is sent indicating whether the course application meets the criteria for an online course. If it does not meet the criteria a denial message with reasons is sent to the OCS campus lead. The applicant can reapply when the conditions are met and will start back at Stage 1. If it meets the criteria, an acceptance message is sent to the OCS campus lead. The instructor/developer agreement is completed and the application moves on to Stage 2.
Stage 2 - Review: The course review team is identified. Agreements are made as to roles and responsibilities of the review team. Confirmation is sent to the review lead and the OCS campus lead. A timeline and process is established. A pre-review conference call is conducted. Individual peer review forms are submitted by each reviewer. A post-review conference call is conducted. The team deliberates. This stage has ended and moves on to Stage 3.
Stage 3 - Notification: CSU Online Course Services team creates the final report. If the report indicates that the course does not meet certification requirements, changes can be made by submitting a “changes and amendments” form. The instructor updates the course. The review lead then decides if after the changes and amendments are made whether the course now meets or does not meet certification. If the course meets the certification criteria a certification letter is sent to the instructor. The course is recognized throughout the CSU OCS community and posted on the CSU OCS website. This is the end of the application and review process.