Section 5: Facilitation and Instruction

Section 5 Facilitation and Instruction ObjectivesSection 5 Facilitation and Instruction Examples
5.1 The instructor is helpful in normalizing a culturally responsive and sustainable and/or critical lens on course topics, respecting culturally diverse expressions while addressing microaggressions or disrespectful comments.

Through moderation of course discussions, the instructor presents areas where ideas or viewpoints differ. They use differences as teachable moments, either resolving them based on hard data or acknowledging the respective viewpoints as valid.

See examples of Microaggressions This link will open a PDF file from an external website in a new tab. or disrespectful comments and the message it sends. See two examples of strategies to address micro interventions in the classroom Example 1 This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and Example 2 This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

  • Does the instructor offer opportunities for the students in critical self-reflection by modeling and inviting different worldviews/perspectives?
  • Does the instructor create a safe and welcoming environment to maximize the opportunities for all students to learn?
  • Are students encouraged to share cultural experiences, validate students’ experiences, and reflect on learning?
  • Does the instructor provide students with a choice of topics that show different perspectives?
  • Are examples or statements of respectful expressions provided for students to emulate?
5.2 The instructor clearly helps students make connections between the content and the course activities, and how their life experience and mastery of concepts gained in the course will integrate into their college degree, future career, and role as a global citizen.

Additional methods of helping students understand the importance of course topics may include observations, internships, and service-learning experiences.

  • Does the instructor provide examples of roles within corporate or research teams and how the course information relates to that professional activity?
  • Are students encouraged to discuss volunteer work, internships or other experiences that are similar to the course topics or objectives?
  • Are guest speakers invited to talk about their work and how their education prepared them for the roles they play or the tasks they achieve?
  • Are students encouraged to safely explore, share, and renew their own understanding of the course’s concepts, while critiquing each other's perspectives?
  • Does the instructor allow students to locate and choose their own resources when exploring and unpacking a module or course concept?
5.3 (CORE) The instructor presents the course material and concepts in an orderly, effective, and engaging manner.

The instructor follows guidelines for effective lecturing including having clear objectives and organized materials.

  • Are the Canvas tools used effectively (content is delivered in a chronological manner, self-check quizzes or quick discussions and reflection posts are included, etc.)?
  • Is the course content clear, easily accessed, and relevant to the learning objectives and course outcomes noted?
  • Does scaffolding (descriptions of learning outcomes, content and resources, and any formative assessment) occur in a logical order?
  • Does the instructor present the course material and concepts in a variety of different ways to meet all learners?
5.4 The instructor empowers students with choices to encourage the exploration of new concepts and new perspectives through the course experience.

The instructor allows students latitude/choice around course topics. Note: The ability to do this varies by discipline and topic.

  • Does the instructor encourage students to explore concepts through choice of topics that are relevant or meaningful to them?
5.5 The instructor helps to focus discussion/interaction on relevant issues. The instructor also provides how microaggressions (e.g., intentional, or unintentional negative attitudes toward marginalized groups) or disrespectful comments in the course discussions will be addressed.

Rather than limiting all students to the same traditional or narrow focus, the instructor allows students latitude/choice around course topics.

  • Is there a discussion “wrap up” after a significant concept is introduced to the students?
  • Does the instructor offer a “reflection” opportunity for students to relate concepts to their own lives with optional responses to other students?
5.6 The instructor demonstrates commitment to students’ learning by providing clear feedback in a timely manner.

The instructor uses the tools in Canvas to respond to student work submissions with scores and feedback related to strengths and/or weaknesses.

  • Does the instructor use the tools in Canvas to provide students with the opportunity to easily submit questions and concerns (e.g., Inbox, Q&A Discussion)?
  • Does the instructor use a library of pre-written comments that can be customized to help save time allotted for feedback?
  • Does the instructor use rubrics in assessments that offer additional feedback?
  • Does the instructor use a variety of formats when providing feedback (e.g., audio and video feedback) that go beyond written comments?
  • Does the syllabus include a statement indicating when students can expect instructor feedback?
5.7 The instructor provides communication in multiple formats to students about important goals and course topics as opportunities arise, enunciating respect to students' diverse identities, backgrounds, and cultures.

The instructor sends an announcement about a change of lecture focus and proper readings prior to class. The instructor may post a clarification on a common question about a topic.

  • Does the instructor provide a “Current relevant topics” forum and invites class to post newsworthy and relevant items, where each contribution can be evaluated using lessons learned in class?
  • Does the instructor send class announcements frequently to keep an ongoing communication with the class?
5.8 (CORE) The instructor provides reminders of due dates and duration of respective modules, as well as other instructions and scaffolding strategies to support student learning.

The instructor provides detailed announcements to guide the students through course content and due dates.

  • Does the instructor enter all date ranges and due dates into Canvas?
  • Does the instructor provide reminders to students about due dates for assignments?
  • Does the instructor provide an alternate method of communication for due dates in case of technology failures within Canvas (e.g., a secondary method of contacting students)?
  • Does the instructor encourage students to create a backup plan in case technology fails (e.g., take a screenshot of their computer and encourage them to contact their campus student help desk)?
5.9 The course resources, student tasks, activities, assessments, and instructional strategies build upon students’ individual strengths and assets as it pertains to their cultural and linguistic backgrounds and funds of knowledge.

Begin each course by getting to know your students’ individual strengths, cultural backgrounds, and any previous experience with the course topics.

  • Does the instructor include a survey, journal activity, or discussion to learn more about the students?
  • Does the instructor recognize the background of the students in the class and incorporate it into lessons, discussions, etc. as appropriate?
  • Does the instructor give students the opportunity to explore the course’s concepts in a way that draws upon their local community, culture, or family?
  • Does the instructor provide comments and feedback to students in a way that draws and builds upon their assets and strengths?