Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning

Section 6 Technology for Teaching and Learning ObjectivesSection 6 Technology for Teaching and Learning Examples
6.1 (CORE) The tools and media facilitate the achievement of course learning objectives/outcomes.

Tools can provide students with opportunities to explore and learn through videos, apps, simulations, and other types of technology tools.

  • Does the instructor use virtual labs and/or simulations (e.g., Labster, interactive textbooks)?
  • Does the instructor use video in course content (e.g., instructor created, Khan Academy)?
6.2 (CORE) Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning.

The instructor integrates technologies that enable learners to actively participate with course content and engage with peers and the instructor.

  • Does the instructor use tools for peer collaboration and presentation development (e.g., Google docs, Zoom)?
  • Does the instructor use discussion forums and/or social reading with annotation tools for peer-to-peer commenting and discussion?
  • Does the instructor use video lessons with interactive content that engage students?
  • Do students use video software tools (e.g., Canvas Studio, Flipgrid) to collaborate with each other?
6.3 The instructor provides clear information regarding access to the technology and related resources required in the course.

Technology (external tools) and course resources are provided within Canvas, or with a direct link and explanation, which may include: Training videos, Tips and Quick Starts, and Exemplars.

  • Does the instructor provide information about where and how to acquire the technologies used in the course (e.g., direct links to downloadable software or directions on how to access the technologies/software)?
  • Does the instructor provide tutorials in how to use the external tool(s)/technologies used in the course (e.g., direct links to the third party tool tutorials)?
  • Does the instructor provide information on costs associated with the technology used in the course?
  • Does the instructor provide additional resources and guides to campus technology loaner programs, wifi access, computer labs, etc.?
  • Does the instructor provide the minimum requirements for operating systems for the technologies/resources used in the course (e.g., operating systems, browsers, and accepted mobile devices)?
6.4 Acceptable technological formats for assignment completion and submissions have been articulated.

Clear explanation of accepted formats and files to complete coursework is provided.

  • Does the instructor provide clear and specific instructions for acceptable assignment submission types (e.g., MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, PDF, .mp4, mov.)
6.5 (CORE) The media used in the course exhibits adequate visual and/or sound quality and promotes ease of use for the learner.

To help with information retention and avoid cognitive overload, consider chunking videos into segments of 10 minutes or less and be mindful of narrative style.

  • Does the media have clear audio (minimal background noise)?
  • Does the media have good lighting and appropriate background with clear images?
  • Are universal file formats used for media (e.g., .mp4, .mov, .avi)?
  • Is the media chunked into segments of 10 minutes or less?